March Love Fest – Japanese Interiors

I’ve had a hectic couple of weeks so when thinking about my next Love Fest blog post, I automatically thought about the peaceful simplisticity of Japanese Interiors. I believe everyone needs some area of their home or just some small touches that bring an inner calm and help you to relax and unwind. By looking…

How to style around your gamer guy or woman!

Consoles, PC towers, huge TVs, trailing wires and other gaming paraphernalia cluttering up your interior style? Does this sound familiar? If so you probably have a gamer in your house. Like myself, you may find it a constant struggle to maintain a balance between a beautifully styled room whilst also keeping your resident gamer happy….

Sideboard Styling – Mini Blog Post #1

How to use less objects to create maximum impact I am often tasked by clients to create an interesting and styled sideboard display within their home, for this I follow the below guidelines: Remove all clutter Add in a lamp for provide accent lighting to your display Add in a stack of interesting books that…

February Love Fest- Scandinavian Interiors

Each month I will try to showcase a particular interior design style that inspires me and this month that is Scandinavian interiors. I feel that this interior style is easy to reproduce in any home from the clean lines of the furniture, the fresh approach to styling and the practical application into most rooms. What…

Interior Design trends for 2017

New Year, New Interior Design Trends. Implementing the following trends can be as easy as updating scatter cushion covers, bringing in new accessories or repainting a feature wall. Budget friendly and adaptable to most homes, here are some of my key trends for 2017 to help create a beautiful home.